Enroll Today For A Fresh Start....A Second Chance...A New Direction

In four quick and steady steps, here’s how we can help you get a second chance and create a new direction in your life.


1.    We review and analyze your credit report as reported to the three major bureaus (Transunion, Equifax, and Experian).

2.    We discuss what plan of action will best benefit you and your credit goals.

3.    We help you create a plan of action

4.    We begin immediately to correspond with the credit bureau on your behalf.


You will receive written confirmation from all three bureaus any time a change is made to your credit report or an investigation has been completed. This is a process that takes time but its results are proven to be successful.


We do not stop there!!!

·        You will also receive guidance about settling old debts that may currently appear on your credit report or that may be in danger of being reported to any of the credit bureaus. This is an important role in securing future credit stability.


·        You will be provided with resources to assist you with budgeting and debt elimination as well. Education is key!!!


·        We will teach you how to help yourself in the future as well.